Imagen de 25 aniversario de scielo

Open Science with IDEIA

Impact, Diversity, Equality, Inclusion and Accessibility

SciELO Week 25 Years will bring together a series of events that will be designed as a global forum for face-to-face and online discussion on the state of the art and perspectives on the implementation and communication of research in open science and its contributions to the development of research communication objects operated by SciELO with a focus on journals of increasing quality that the SciELO Network indexes, public and interopera.

The organization of SciELO Week 25 Years will follow the same structure as the week that celebrated the 20 years: the first two days will host the SciELO Network Meeting and Working Groups (WG) topics dedicated to the analysis of critical issues for the improvement of the SciELO Model of Publication in Open Science, followed by a three-day conference dedicated to the international state of the art of the modus operandi of open science.

The evolution, current state and future perspectives of the modus operandi of open science, the importance of public policies, the advancement of infrastructure and knowledge, the characteristics of different thematic areas, different types of research, the different operating models and contributions to the progress of research and its communication, will be articulated in the agenda of SciELO Week 25 Years in the dimensions of scientific impact, diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility (IDEIA).

SciELO Network Meeting and Thematic Working Groups

The SciELO Program is developed as an open science infrastructure program in accordance with the state of the art and is structured as a framework for formulation, implementation and evaluation of public policies of communication of research with emphasis on the development of knowledge and infrastructure in accordance with national conditions and priorities. It is implemented through an integrated set of policies, procedures, methodologies and technologies called the SciELO Publication Model.

The decentralized implementation of the SciELO Program through the SciELO Publication Model forms the SciELO Network, which in 2022 is present in 17 countries, covers about 1,300 active journals that publish more than 60,000 articles per year and accumulates a repository of more than 1,1 million documents. The SciELO Network serves a daily average of more than 1.5 million unique accesses to articles.

Meeting of the SciELO Network

The SciELO Network Meeting, held every five years, will feature the participation of the national coordinators of the collections of the 17 countries of the SciELO Network: 14 from Latin America and the Caribbean, South Africa, Spain and Portugal.


The first theme is the assessment of the national progress of the SciELO Programme as an open science programme supported by a common analytical tool based on the SWOT (SWOT), SWOO or FOFA methodology that maps weaknesses, opportunities, strengths and threats considering the dimensions of policy, management and operation, operational and financial sustainability, methodological and technological update, visibility and impact.

The second theme is the updating of priority lines of action for professionalization, internationalization and operational and financial sustainability focused on the transition to the open science modus operandi that aims at the continuous improvement of research and its visibility and impact with the promotion and ubiquitous adoption of contexts and practices that seek the transparency, cooperation, quality, diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility.

Thematic Working Groups

In parallel to the Network Meeting, a group of working groups will analyze critical issues of the modus operandi of open science and its contribution to the renewal and improvement of the SciELO Program and the SciELO Publication Model. The GTs will consist of journal editors and researchers in scientific communication.

The agendas of the thematic WGs will address the alignment of journals' editorial management policies and modalities with open science practices. SciELO considers journals as orchestrating processes and objects of research communication in the modus operandi of open science, with emphasis on research documents and data and on the transparency of processes and decisions.

The classic types of documents (research articles, review articles, case studies, trials, etc.) are enriched with new types such as data articles, research evaluation opinions and others. The research data covers all the contents underlying the documents that communicate the research and that inform the processes of evaluation, replication, reproduction and reuse of methodologies and investigations.

Open science presupposes transparency in the processes of evaluation, editing and healing of research communication objects, and journals play a fundamental role in promoting credibility and transparency.

SciELO Publication Model promotes the evolution of journals through the management of communication objects in the collections of web libraries, with functions of digital storage and preservation, publication, dissemination, interoperability and performance measures in a context of universalization, disintermediation and virtualization.

Thus, the model operates the national collections of journals (SciELO Argentina, SciELO Bolivia, SciELO Brazil, SciELO Chile, .... SciELO West Indies), the SciELO Preprints server, the SciELO Data repository and the SciELO Books collection.

Each type of web collection or library has its own dynamics of policies and procedures, methodologies and technologies that demand more qualified human resources and even more sophisticated operational infrastructures.

Thus, the alignment with open science practices extended SciELO’s functionalities related to indexing, storage and digital preservation, publication, communication, interoperability and monitoring of the performance of articles and research data, research evaluation processes and the production of articles and media and dissemination of research. Reflect on greater transparency and openness of the evaluation and production processes of research articles and data.

The GT will mainly address issues in which the adoption of open science practices impacts and renews the editorial and management policies of journals, since the updating of the SciELO Open Science Model enriches the journals with orchestration functions for the different objects of research communication.

International conference

The international conference is organized by the SciELO Program every five years with the main objective of updating and dynamizing the Program and its Publication Model online with the state of the art in open access research communication now in the modus operandi of open science. It also aims to strengthen the global insertion of research communicated by SciELO journals in a proactive manner to increase their visibility and impact and contribute to broadening the diversity and inclusion of research objects in the global flow of communication in geographical areas, thematic, linguistic and meeting local, regional and global priorities.

The modus operandi of open science makes it possible to carry out, inform and communicate research through contents organized as formal objects of research communication, such as the research documents and data underlying the texts of the documents that allow for greater transparency of the processes. Evaluation, structuring, editing and healing.

The modus operandi of open science, on the one hand, influences and requires the proactive participation of all actors and actors and, on the other hand, improves the functions that make up the scientific communication company. This conceptualization of the dynamic structure that promotes and consolidates the advancement of open science practices will organize the agenda of the International Congress in a matrix of identification of panels, with a dimension formed by the actors and instances and another by the communication functions of the research.

The most relevant actors and instances in the promotion and implementation of open science are: (i) governmental and institutional authorities, societies, associations and movements related to the management, execution and communication of research; (ii) editors, journal editors and authors related to the production and availability of research communication objects; and (iii) indexes and services for control, conservation, transformation, monitoring and measurement of the performance of scientific productions. The most relevant functions in the communication of research are: (a) public and institutional policies in favor of the advancement of open science practices that, on the one hand, face resistance and misunderstandings and, on the other hand, present success stories; (b) the enrichment of scientific production and its performance in terms of visibility and academic impact in favor of the advancement of research; (c) the contribution of scientific production in terms of visibility and impact beyond the academic sphere in the cultural, social, economic and technological dimensions; and (d) the incorporation of diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility in design, implementation, communication and impact assessment of research. The research’s interface matrix and communication functions will result in a 12-panel programmatic agenda.

The construction of the agenda of the panels, including the scope and participants of each of the panels, will be carried out through the communication functions of the lines of research. Each function will have a scientific committee composed of one or more representatives of the actors and bodies responsible for promoting research in open science modalities and one or more representatives of the SciELO Programme. There will be four scientific committees, each consisting of 5 or more researchers or science communication professionals.


The organization of SciELO Week 25 Years represents a great challenge in the current times, after the pandemic of COVID-19, characterized by economic crises and reduced support for research programs in many countries.

La decisión de realizar la Reunión de la Red y los GT de manera presencial tiene como objetivo maximizar el diálogo y la profundización de los temas críticos para el avance y consolidación del Modelo SciELO de Publicaciones en el modus operandi de ciencia abierta. Al mismo tiempo, la decisión de realizar la Conferencia Internacional simultáneamente en forma presencial y en línea busca maximizar las ventajas de cada modalidad.

In addition to experiences, lessons learned and good practices from other events in terms of sharing scientific and technical knowledge, deepening dialogue on critical issues, SciELO Week 25 Years has as motivation and strength the principles of the SciELO Program in terms of operating in network at all levels and promoting and consolidating environments, processes, products and services that develop with diversity, inclusion, equity and accessibility. Historically, these principles have given SciELO a remarkable resilience to adopt innovations without interrupting the advances already achieved and the democratic and systemic construction of new levels of excellence in the improvement of the journals and the research they communicate.

Following the principles of SciELO, the organization and realization of SciELO Week 25 Years will have the participation and support of the different instances of promotion of research and its communication and with leaders committed to the advancement of open science practices.